All the famous people - and us, too

As a first time author it's often quite difficult to be seen and heard. More so, if you don't have an agent or publisher.

Polari Salon, Southbank Centre
Since publishing Changing Trains, I've done a few public readings, one TV interview and a number of guest blog appearances.

But the most successful thing to push sales of my novel was a post on Facebook by an old friend who read it, loved it and then shared this fact with his social network. My sales leapt when that endorsement went out.

The best thing about it was that this was a genuine comment, unsolicited and unplanned. I was very grateful and learned a real lesson in what makes your book sell.

But still, my little gay coming-of-age adventure isn't exactly top of the charts. What I need now is someone with a huge media following to pick up my book, read it, enjoy it (they don't HAVE to love it) and then share this fact with their followers. 

I bought this album
So I've been thinking about who may like my little story. Of course, my fave singer Sam Smith is top of my list. I think I may even have Tweeted him once suggesting he might like to read Changing Trains, while on the road. 

After all, I bought his latest album and have liked it all over my social media. Why wouldn't he want to return the favour? My character is even called 'Sam'.

Bennett likes trains, too
I've also thought about stalking Alan Bennett, one of my favourite writers and fellow 'northerner Londoner'. 

I've considered dropping a copy of the novel through his letterbox with a note saying "Please read me and then like me - someone's life depends on it." He mentions trains quite a bit in his 'Keeping On Keeping On'.

Changing Trains was inspired by Christopher Isherwood, so maybe Tom Ford would like it. I've messaged the directors of Call Me By your Name and God's Own Country - still waiting to hear back, though! Busy people.

Kylie Minogue, who has provided the soundtrack to my own life, I'm sure, would really like it. Stephen Fry, though, I'm not so sure. Ian McKellen I hope would give it a go and Dustin Lance Black at least had the good grace to Tweet me a congratulations on publishing, which was lovely.

Of course you don't have to be an Elton, Tom Daley or any of the above. If you like my book and have more than one Facebook friend, you could change my world. 

And the best thing is - it's totally free for you to share the fact you liked something you read. Isn't that amazing?     
