Free Interrail for young Europeans

Wow! Did you know that the EU is giving away up to 20,000 free Interrail to young Europeans this year?

As part of an initiative to help its young citizens experience diversity, better understand each other and learn more about Europe, the EU has agreed to the trial, which, if successful could see millions of young Europeans eventually being giving free travel passes on their 18 birthday.

Go check out the YouDiscover website to see if you can still get a ticket to travel.

I also stumbled across this cool info pic from an article on the European Parliament website. Super cool to know that the longest journey you can take in Europe without Changing Trains is from Paris to Warsaw.

If I had the money and the time, I'd love to do that trip.

Also, interesting are the stats on young people. Only 300,000 people decide to to buy an Interrail pass to go discover Europe.

I have to admit to feeling it's a bit of a shame the number isn't higher because the Europe available to my character Sam in Changing Trains was far smaller than it is today.

As the photo says, Interrailers today have up to 30 different countries they can visit by train. Where else in the world is that possible?

If I was turning 18 this year, Interrailing around the Continent, with its amazing variety of peoples, cultures, cities and landscapes, would be top of my list of things to do, whether I had a free ticket or not.
