This writer's key numbers

As someone who's spent most of their life as a business journalist, I was wondering what the key numbers around my first novel might be.

Infographs are great tools that - if you can be bothered to create them - show you at a glance some of the key numbers in your industry, product, life, etc. 

I'd love to make the sales target for Changing Trains this year and I'd also love to get the Twitter numbers up, too. By the way, thanks for following me there, if you do already.

It's amazing how many ebooks are sold on Amazon each day, more than a million is always a good number.

One number I'm not very sure about is the price of the ebook. One of my readers messaged me saying it was too low for the effort that went into writing it and the lovely story it contains. But it's a difficult thing to get right.

I priced it at just £2.55, because I want lots of people to be able to afford to read it. Also, I thought that if I priced it slightly cheaper than a coffee it might help people view it as a worthwhile read and so worth the spend, and no huge loss if they didn't enjoy it.

And as for those virtual hugs, okay, a billion may be pushing it, but I like the idea that everyone will have enough for the rest of their lives.
